Monday, April 29, 2013

Fruity Bits Review.

Well, here we go. I dared myself to try one of the generic, lesser known, poor people-esque cereals made by Giant: "Fruity Bits". Before, Fruity Bits was owned by Tops, and now it's owned by Giant, so excuse me for the early 2000s picture above. Anyway, I was expecting a crappy cereal....and I got a crappy cereal. Most of these cereals are major ripoffs of big name cereals, in this case Fruity Pebbles. Yes, it tastes exactly like the fruity dullness of Fruity Pebbles, but much worse. The taste isn't too far from Fruity Pebbles, but....let's just say it may not be sanitary when a crusty piece of corn flake with a dangled black hair on it falls out. This cereal is the epiphany of unsanitary cereals bought at a local Goodwill, and I have complete disregard for this piece of trash. So much that I threw the $2 box, worth as much as the stuff at a store's $1 bin.
The appearance is exactly the same as Fruity Pebbles! Kind of like small, colorful boulder-like cereal, but...this cereal doesn't try. At all. It's almost disgusting as a cereal reviewer to know that Fruity Bits is a major ripoff of a cereal that tastes pretty bland but has a great advertising campaign- this advertising campaign also sucks. It's just a purple dinosaur, without ANY name, and that's it! And an obvious game on the back! I think you get the idea, but the main idea is that you should never eat generic cereal, ever. And I learned that first hand...

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